What is Blind's policy on Company Secrets?

Blind is committed to fostering open conversations about the workplace, and we welcome the diverse opinions shared by our users while adhering to Blind’s Community Guidelines. Blind strictly prohibits the sharing of proprietary or confidential company information. Users are not allowed to disclose details that could be considered company secrets. Below is our definition of Company Secrets:

Company Secrets

Do not share business secrets; sensitive information of commercial value and not otherwise available to the public, that provides your company with a competitive edge. Our goal is to foster open conversation without threatening the legitimate business purposes of the companies in which you work.

How does Blind define Company Secrets?

Company Secrets may include any information that is not publicly disclosed by a company and can be considered confidential, proprietary, or sensitive. This may encompass financial data, unreleased products, trade secrets, screenshots of internal documents or emails, and any information that could harm the company if disclosed.

What happens if a post is reported as Company Secrets?

When a post is reported by users or flagged by our moderation system as a potential violation of the Company Secrets policy, it undergoes a thorough review by our moderation team. Response times may differ based on the volume of reports, but our aim is to promptly address potential violations. If the reported content is determined to violate our guidelines, it will be promptly removed, and the user account will undergo further review.

Does Blind share user information with companies based on reports of Company Secrets violations?

No, Blind does not share user information with companies based on reports of policy violations. Blind is an anonymous community of verified professionals. The email is used for verification purposes only and the information used for verification is encrypted through our patented infrastructure and locked away. Your activity on Blind is stored in a completely separate server that does not connect to your hashed domain. This means there is no way to connect your activity on Blind back to your work domain.

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