How do I delete my account?

You can request to delete your account at any time. For your security, all deletion requests are subject to verification. Note that refunds are not applicable for unused items or B Money. The process takes up to 45 days. Your account will remain active during this process.

iPhone users

  1. Click on My Page icon
  2. Click on Settings and then FAQ
  3. Scroll to find 'How do I delete my account?' and expand
  4. Click on Delete Account and follow the instructions. If you require a confirmation receipt, make sure to enter your email address when prompted.

Android or Web users

Email us at Include your username (alias on Blind, not email address) when you submit your request. Note that your email address is only used for verification and is not linked to your Blind account.

If your company is blocking incoming or outgoing messages to TeamBlind, you can write to us using your personal email address.

We would also appreciate it if you could share why you have decided to leave Blind. This will help us improve our services in the future.

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