My company blocks verification code from Blind

If your company is filtering or blocking communication from Blind, please try one of the following:

Apple ID for iOS Users

You can use your Apple ID to sign up on Blind. Your company email must be registered as Apple ID for this to work.

Google Account for iOS and Android Users

You can use your Google Account to sign up on Blind. Your company email must be registered as Google Account for this to work.

Facebook for Android Users

You can use your Facebook to sign up on Blind. Your company email must be registered as Facebook account for this to work.

Web Users

  1. Click on Sign up
  2. Enter your work email address
  3. Enter the verification code you received to your work email account
  4. Follow the steps to complete the signup

Having trouble receiving the verification code?

Make sure you check your spam folder. If you still can’t find the verification code, email us at If your company is blocking incoming or outgoing messages to TeamBlind, you can write to us using your personal email address.

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